Our Airport Solution system is designed as a total solution for any airport operation. The Airport Tracker is a key product providing the controller with a live view of the ground operations. The system can easily be adapted to include inbound air traffic and terminal operation information, both resulting in improved service handling time.
The Tracker can be connected to surveillance data sources to display inbound traffic. The arrival manager feature will automatically display inbound flights in a estimated order with estimated landing times. The system can also be configured to arm the runways in case of an aircraft on final, resulting in an audible and visual alarm if any vehicle enters the runway area without clearance.
The terminal and ground ops information will provide the ATCO with valuable information for preparation of aircraft pushbacks, tows, engine startups, etc. and provide an organized way of handling ground traffic. This information will also provide the airport with a estimated departure time for aircraft while airport service vehicles can return information to the tower, such as breaking action, snow reports, etc., minimizing radio occupation.
Furthermore, the system does not only provide the tower with relevant information. The displays can be set up at any location and monitor any vehicle, inside or outside the airport. Even airport related vehicles on errands around the city can be tracked and registered. Technical services, fire brigades and ground ops can monitor any vehicle in their operation to maximize service handling times optimizing the total response time of anyone involved in the day to day operations.